The old Template..

The New one..

This week, Raining everyday.. It's Wet and Hot almost everyday..
Taking some shots while on bus to work..
Bought some new Latest Technology..
Stylus Pen..

Addicted to this Drawing Game on Iphone.. LoL..
So many frens playing together and that's why is so Fun.. ^^
Battery Case Cover..

Can charge the Iphone while on the go..

Yesterday, as usual, drive with Mum to see Chinese Doc in the morning then to 'Bugis' temple there praying.. Later in the hot afternoon, drive back to 'Causeway Point' for lunch and some groceries shopping..
We having Sushi at 'Kuriya Fish Market' restaurant..
Bought Nice chocolate back for snacks..
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Yummy..
Today, went out shopping with Mum at 'Orchard'..
We took MRT to '313@Somerset' and had our brunch at 'RamenPlay' restaurant..
Yuzu Yoghurt and Green Tea..
Veg Miso Ramen..
Lobster Salad..
Omu Curry Rice..
After meal, we went shop around '313' happily and Bought some clothes and stuffs.. In the afternoon, we walked until tired and came back home to rest..
Oh, I Spend quite a lots this week.. XP