I have done finished another set of my order..
This time is Babies.. lolz..

Last Sunday, I have a gathering with my Ex DF frens..
Went to Marina Square there meet them..
To celebrate Sheena's Birthday which is actually on 1st July..
We share and give Domo bag for her present..
We eat at Ryoichi..
I had Pork Curry Wazen..

We took some photo together at the Esplanade before I leave for work..

Went and play the 'UFO catcher' machine with them..
Today went and play again.. Got the whole Sesame Street dolls Again.. lolz..
Just now, Me and gf play the big catcher machine.. So Stress Sia.. Change many times for coins.. Pushes many times.. Spent about $20 plus and Got this yellow teddy bear !! lolz..
Yellow teddy bear at the fountain..
See See.. lolz..
Today, gf come my house to watch the Dvd we bought during the last trip to JB..
She come and bought "KFC" and "LongJohn"..
We eat lunch while watching DvD at home..
Later we go out to Suntec to see the Game show late afternoon..
Not much people over there.. Also not much things to see..
We eat lunch at XinWang Taiwan Cafe along CityLink there..
The Assorted Fish Paste..
The Crispy Chicken Rice with sweet Curry on the side..
Taiwanese Dumplin..
Later at night, before we went home, We eat Ben & Jerry's waffle Ice Cream..
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