Today is the Chinese Lunar New Year and also the Valentine Day..
Went to the wet market early in the morning with mum..
I eat this 'Roti Prata' for breakfast.. Yummy 3 different gravy..

Back at home.. Busy cleaning and tidy up the house..
Change the new set of bed sheet which darling bought for me not long ago..

Later help mum with preparing steamboat for the reunion dinner..
I prepared and made this fried shrimp dumplings and breaded chicken strip for our reunion dinner.. Hee..

After our 除夕团圆饭, I went to 'CausewayPoint' 1st and bought movie tickets for me and mum..


True Legend (simplified Chinese: 苏乞儿) is a 2010 Chinese-Hong Kong martial arts film starring Vincent Zhao, Zhou Xun, Jay Chou, Michelle Yeoh, Andy On, and Guo Xiaodong.. It was directed by Yuen Woo-Ping..
This is the extraordinary journey of a man - a martial arts hero - whose greatest dream is to create a unique school of martial arts for the world to follow..
Today, mum and me went 'CausewayPoint' again..
After lunch at 'MOS Burger', we bought tickets and watch movie again..


14 Blades (simplified Chinese: 锦衣卫) is a 2010 Hong Kong martial arts film starring Donnie Yen.. It is a remake of the 1984 Hong Kong film Police Pool of Blood..
Trained in clandestine combat from childhood, the Jinyiwei were masters of the 14 Blades.. Above the law and with a license to kill, they devoted their lives and lethal prowess to the service of the Emperor alone..
After movie, we bought Pizza back home fo dinner.. LOL..

恭喜發財、萬事如意、心想事成、 東成西就、出入平安、龍馬精神、大吉大利、年年有餘、生意興隆、家肥屋潤、福星高照、步步高陞、學業進步、橫財就手、一本萬利、花開富貴、如意吉祥、笑口常開、一團和氣、身壯力健、豐衣足食、財運亨通、五福臨門、吉星高照、心想事成 !!
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