Yesterday went to JB again with Darling..
We eat our lunch in the newly opened 'Tomato Studio Express' cafe over at 'City Square' there..
I ordered the Super Promotion Deal.. Fish Baked with Pasta for RM 2.99 and Bubble Green Tea for RM 2 Only.. Super Cheap ley..

Curve Fries with BBQ and Blue Cheese Drip sauce..

This is "Good Morning" Set.. LOL..

After lunch, We took taxi and went to 'Sutera Mall'..

Pond Garden outside the mall..

Lots of Beautiful Fishes..

Very big spacious shopping mall but nothing much to walk around..
Then we took taxi again to 'Terbrau City' shopping mall..
Damn "BaKa" taxi uncle charge Taxi fare RM 25 !!
For dinner, we eat in "Tang Shifu" Chinese soup restaurant over at 'Terbrau City'..

The Appetizer.. Guava with plum powder and dried orange skin.. Nice..

"Tang Gui" Replensiling Soup with Brown rice.. And the black bitter water is the "Wang Lao Ji" Herbal tea.. So Bitter that we had to struggle to finished it....

Fish Porridge with dried Scallop..

This Healthy meal total cost RM 29.05 only.. Cheap and Good..
Bought our movie tickets at 'Terbrau City'..

Green Zone

The 'Bourne' action blockbuster team led by Paul Greengrass and his star Matt Damon to a facsimile staged in Spain and Morocco, switching from a super-assassin's identity crisis to contemporary political and military history..
This is a 2010 action thriller war film that takes place in the Green Zone and nearby in Iraq during post-invasion Iraq, 2003 by the United States and allies written by Brian Helgeland and directed by Paul Greengrass.. The film is "credited as having been 'inspired' by the non-fiction 2006 book Imperial Life in the Emerald City by journalist Rajiv Chandrasekaran, which documented life in the Green Zone, Baghdad.. The film stars Matt Damon, Amy Ryan, Greg Kinnear, and Brendan Gleeson..
Bought this Purple colour Milk back from 'Jusco' supermarket..
It's the 'Magnolia' sterilise Grape Flavour Milk.. Yummy..

Got this DvD from Harris(POPULAR)Bookstore there..

Yatterman (ヤッターマン) is a Japanese anime television series broadcast from January 1, 1977 to January 27, 1979, comprising 108 episodes.. It is the second and longest show in the Time Bokan series by Tatsunoko Productions..
As a kid, I used to watch this Yatterman Cantonese version cartoon again and again from a VHS video tape..
Classic 1970s Version..

Remake Version..

This time is a live action 2009 film directed by Takashi Miike..

Kyoko Fukada (深田恭子) as Doronjo, the villain of the Dorombo trio Gang..

So funny..

Today in the morning went to the 'Resort World' HR there for interview.. Cannot get again.. Haiz..
In the afternoon, went to the IT show with Pak Kia and his gf..
A lots of people there.. We walked around the exhibition event and check out the new stuffs and prices..

Eat at 'Marina Square' foodcourt.. Chitchatting there a while and we went home..
On the way home, I bought this new promotion, "Long John Silver's Torpedo Prawn" with fish, chicken and fries meal back for dinner.. LOL..

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