Today I take PH off and went out Gathering wth Ex-DF frens.. Darling tagging along..
Meet Darling 1st at Orchard and eat lunch at "Bao Today cafe" (包今天)..
Lemon tea and fried Dim Sum..

Fried carrot cake..

Nice 'ding ding' Noodles..

Curry chicken noodles.. Very Spicy..

While walking along Orchard.. Saw this funny promotion style..

Eat Ice Cream while waiting for frens to come and meet in 'Andersen's of Denmark' cafe at 'PS'..
We ordered "Happy Brownie"..

Evening time.. Meet Edwin, XiuZhen, Sheena and Cindy.. And we went to Marina Barrage (滨海堤坝).. It is a dam built across the Marina Channel between Marina East and Marina South..

A lot of people went there to fly Kites..

Went into the Pump House Visitor Centre..

At night we walked a very long long way out from Marina Bay to "Lau Pa Sat" hawker food centre eat a big feast and went home..
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