OMG.. I'm getting thinner and thinner.. So much foods cannot eat.. Now lost so much vitamins and minerals.. Haiz..
These 2 months are Rainy Seasons.. Keep raining heavily almost everyday..
On Monday, went for Company Doctor Review at 'Clementi'.. Becos of joining the Company Emergency Response Team, so got to do review and tell the Doc I don't want to join.. LoL..
After that, went to eat simple "Bee Hoon & Porridge" for lunch at the 'Clementi' Hawker there.. Window shopping around the mall for a while and went home..
On Tuesday, went to meet Darling at 'East Point Mall' for lunch..
We having 'Sakae Sushi'..
Sakae Chawanmushi and some Sushi.. They don't serve Green Tea liao.. They serve Genmai Cha.. I don't like the taste..
Shishamo Agemono and Soft Shell Crab..
After some chit chat and we eaten until very full, Darling gonna go for work, I went home and took a little rest..
Around late afternoon, went to meet Danah after her school for some old time gathering at 'AMK Hub'..
We went for a drink at 'The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf' cafe and chit chatted..
My Hot Double Choc with Marshmallow.. Not so hot and Very Sweet..
We went to catch a movie as we have so much time and Bought our movie tickets at 'AMK Hub'..
Already Famous (一泡而红)

Michelle Chong is "already famous" as Barbarella !! Now She dares to live her dream and sells a condominium apartment to finance her debut movie..
这是一部喜剧励志电影。。故事发生在一个马来西亚小镇,主角是一个“生活中卖电视,梦想着上电视”的马国女孩。。她对8频道的每部电视剧的台词倒背如流,幻想着有一天,自己能跻身新加坡华语剧演艺圈。。 这个梦想将执著的她带到了新加坡,并和小鬼所饰演的咖啡店帮手邂逅狮城。二人心有默契,无需言语已解对方心意。。
导 演:庄米雪
主要演员:黄鸿升 庄米雪 莫小玲 许美珍 蔡恩来 郑良雄
After movie, We had our dinner at 'Fish & Co'..
Kola Tonic and Mushroom Chowder Soup..
We ordered the "New York" and "Danish" Fish & Chips..
After dinner, we took MRT home..
On Wednesday and Thursday, Me staying at home whole day watching DvDs, Playing PS3 and Surfing Internets.. LoL..
On Friday, went in to JB to meet Ah Jie for some old time gathering..
We meet at 'City Square' and Bought our movie tickets there..
Petaling Street Warriors (大英雄•小男人)

This is a Kung Fu Comedy film directed by James Lee Thim Heng and Sampson Yuen Choi-Hin through Malaysian production company, Juita Entertainment, a subsidiary of Juita Viden.. Jointly presented by Juita Viden and Golden Screen Cinemas (GSC), it is the first period kungfu comedy to be produced locally in Malaysia and Singapore, with famed action choreographer from Hong Kong, Yuk-Sing Ma..
The Main Cast:
Mark Lee 李国煌 as Shi Duyao 史都耀
Yeo Yann Yann 杨雁雁 as Zhung Lichun 钟离春
Namewee 黄明志 as Liu Kun 刘坤
Chris Tong 童冰玉 as Xiaoju 小菊
Frederick Lee 李洺中 as Ma Fuyi 马福仪
Sunny Pang 冯推守as Wilson Ng 吴卫生
Before movie, We had our Lunch at 'PappaRich'..
My Veg Mutton Nasi Lemak with Herb tea..
Ah Jie's Fried chicken chop with fried rice and white coffee..
After lunch, me went to get some DvDs and we do some window shopping before the movie started..
After movie, We went shopping for a while.. Ah Jie bought his computer Head Phone Speaker set and I bought this big Mug.. LoL..
After that, we went and had our Dinner at 'Wong Kok Char Chan Teng'..
Ah Jie's Hot & Spicy Noodle with Pork Chop and HK coffee..
My Cheese Pork Chop spageddies and Wintermelon Longan Tea..
After dinner, we meet Ah Jie's Brother and his Frens.. At night, Ah Jie and his Fren are coming out to SG and so his Fren drive us out and send me until reach home.. So nice..
Today, drive out with mum to see Chinese Doc again as usual..
Firstly, We went for Breakfast in 'Freshness Burger' restaurant at 'Causeway Point'..
They do serve Breakfast meals and we ordered "Light & Easy" set and "Rise & Shine Pancake" set with organic coffee and tea..
After getting the 3 weeks herb medicine which cost me S$378, we drive to 'Ikea Tampines' for lunch.. A lot of people at the Food court there..
Pic took after half way eating finished.. LoL..
We had baked fish, mushroom soup and meatballs..
After that, drive back home and rest..
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