祝大家蛇年快乐,财源广进,心想事成,身体健康。。 ^^ Huat Ah !!
Been busy everyday with work, school assigment and 'Mio Tv'.. LoL..
No time to for blogging..

Visit Grandma one week before CNY start.. We meet at 'Marina Parade' and had lunch together with Grandma, Aunt and Uncle..

After leaving Grandma's house, we went to the new 'China Town Point' and do some shopping and queue up for dinner at 'Eat at Taipei' restaurant..

Went to China Town with Mum to do some CNY shopping one week before CNY start..

It's raining and still crowded everywhere..

Bought these beautiful color plant..

除夕, no work and no school.. At home, doing spring cleaning..
Evening time, eat 火鍋 with family..
New bed change New Bedsheet.. Cute leh.. LoL..

初一, me at home watch 'Mio Tv' programmes..
初二, go relatives house 拜年去..
Later evening time, went to Sheena's house for 火鍋 dinner and cards gamble..
Having Fun with Edwin, Ah Wee and Deanis at her house..
Today, early morning drive Mum to Temple there praying and breakfast..
In the afternoon, meet Danah for movie and later meet Ah Jie for dinner at 'Causeway Point'..
Catch a movie with Danah while waiting for Ah Jie to join us for dinner..

The Grandmasters 一代宗师

The Grandmasters is a Hong Kong-Chinese action drama film based on the life story of the Wing Chun grandmaster Yip Man (or Ip Man).. The film is directed and written by Wong Kar-wai and starred Tony Leung as Yip Man..
This movie not so nice at all.. With many fake facts about Yip Man and many characters doesn't linked in the story too..
We had our dinner at 'Ajisen Ramen'.. I treat them.. LoL..

After that, we went walk walk around and chit chatting before we split and went home..
Happy新年ING~~ XD
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