And I'm on this month calendar !! LoL..

Can u spot me ?? LoL..

It's been raining almost everyday at the same evening time..
The dark blue sky..

The shining in the middle of the dark clouds..

These 2 weeks, I had been working continuously with OT..
No off Day.. Tired and Boring..
Having 'Magnum" Ice Cream while watching online movie.. LoL..

The new 'Hello Kitty' doll collection from 'McDonalds' again..

Having 'Wendy's' for din din after working OT on weekend.. This is the Premium Cod Fillet Combo meal.. So sad that they don't sell my favourite Shrimp Fillet Burger anymore..

Finally I Bought 'Dip n Go' snacks back home for myself.. LoL..

Yesterday, No want do no OT..
In the morning, drive out with Mum to have breakfast and shopping for groceries..
Later in the afternoon, drive out with Ah Jie and his gf..
After fetching the both of them, We went and had our lunch at 'Old Airport Road' Hawker there..

After our meal, we discussed and decided to go to the 'Gardens by the Bay' at 'Marina Bay' there..
We didn't buy any tickets for the entrance to the dome.. We just walked around the outside gardens and took lots of photos.. LoL..
Evening time, We drive to 'Serangoon Garden Way circle' and had dinner at 'Chomp Chomp' Hawker there..

After that, I send them home and came back home to rest..
Ah Jie bought me this from his 'Tioman island' trip.. LoL..

Today, I was so tired during work time.. Night time didn't sleep well.. Only about 3 hours of sleep, wake up and can't sleep early in the morning at 2 am.. Panada eyes !!
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