On the second day, we went tour around in Xin-She(新社)..
Our tour guide brought us to have some simple Taiwan Breakfast inside the Hawker there..

Lavender Forest (薰衣草森林)..

They have a very Nice Restroom.. LoL..

Nice scenery..

Nice flowers..

Wishing tree..

Visiting Mushroom Farm..

Having Healthy Mushroom meal for lunch..

Rainbow Family Village (彩虹眷村)..

Almost everything in site is painted joyful colours by an elderly man who lives there..

Visiting Tunghai University (東海大學)..

Every night in Taichung, We went for a walk around Fengjia Night Market (逢甲夜市).. LoL..

There are so many Nice Yummy Goodies.. We having Night Supper every Night in our Hotel room.. LoL..

The tickets we bought to take the High Speed Rail from Taipei to Taichung and Taichung back to Taipei..

At the end of this trip, I had a Wonderful gift..
A girlfriend who loves me and filled my heart..
下一站 幸福.. ^^

Taoyuan Airport (桃園國際機場).. Time to fly back.. So sad..

The foods we had in the Airport before we board the plane..

Beautiful Sky..

The meal onboard..

I'm very Happy and very enjoy this trip especially the last few days.. Hee Hee..
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